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Equal Employment Opportunity:

New Day Tile provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants based on job related qualifications and abilities. Any employee who uses race, color, creed, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, public assistance membership or activity in a local commission, disability, age, or veteran status to discriminate against another employee or applicant will not be tolerated and disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination.

Adherence to all company’s rules and regulations:
Violation of company rules, regulations, actions or conduct, which is not a credit to New Day Tile, will be subjected to disciplinary action. Dependent upon the gravity of the infraction, termination of employment may be decided.

Disciplinary Actions:
    When an employee is performing a task incorrectly, breaks company regulations or any inappropriate behavior:
  1. VERBAL WARNING: Your manager will notify you that an issue exists by verbally identifying the problem and going over corrective actions and or a solution that will need to be taken within a given timeframe.
  2. WRITTEN WARNINGS: If an employee has ignored the verbal notice, a written warning will be given and shared with the team to help the employee stay on track.
  3. TERMINATION MEETING: If an employee has ignored the verbal notice and written warning, a meeting with such employee and all related personnel will be held to determine appropriate actions, included but not limited to: 2 week break without pay, demotion, termination.

Company Regulations:
Abidance to all New Day Tile rules and regulations is critical. Violation of company rules, regulations or action, conduct which is not a credit to New Day Tile will resolve an employee to disciplinary action. Depending on the extensiveness of the transgression, the employee may be subject to termination. The following actions may result in immediate termination:​
  • Doing side jobs. 
  • Failure to follow instructions.
  • Continuously late or no show.
  • Neglect to use safety equipment. 
  • Abusing equipment .
  • Driving irresponsibly. 
  • Not following dress code attire. 
  • Giving unapproved discounts.
  • Taking or borrowing company property without permission.
  • Taking or borrowing customer possessions or leftover supplies without permission.
  • Taking illegal drugs.
  • Smoking inside customers home, and or near the entryway.
  • Poor customer service/disrespect. 
  • Littering on customers property or lack of care for customers property. 
  • Lying or misleading info about customers or jobs.

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